Blog Archives

August 2015 Update

It’s been a while since my last update, but it’s been a busy few months. Long story short, we’ve been dealing with immigration for my wife’s visa in Canada, and have decided when we’re moving to Canada. But on to the update.

I have now completed Journey to Ariadne parts 4 to 6. Critiquing is coming up next, and after that, I will edit and post the parts. Part 7 will commence soon. However, due to the fact that we’ll be busy preparing for our move to Canada over the next seven to eight months, writing will be slow. After the move, I should have more privacy and time to do my writing.

Outside of writing, I have more worldbuilding to work on, as well as character profiles to post. I have several written in a notebook, but I haven’t transferred them over to the website. I also have countries to work on and post those to the website. I think I’d like to be able to use better image editing software, though.

The newsletter is still not ready. But I’m thinking now is not the time for it, as I just don’t have enough to update people on. I will be working on getting it up and running after the move to Canada.

I’m going to resume monthly updates, and hopefully some other updates. There’s even a surprise coming. It’s something from April. Something I hope you’ll enjoy reading. Stay tuned for that!

March 2015 Progress

It’s a new month, and progress is happening.  I’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes things recently, not just writing.

Parts 4 and 5 of Journey to Ariadne have been finished, of course.  But part 6 is proving to be an interesting one to write.  It may be a bit controversial, but we’ll see how it turns out.  It’s not finished, but should be shortly.

Behind the scenes, I’ve been working on the world of Ariadne, as well as character profiles.  I’m trying to flesh out the characters to make sure I’m consistent.  They’ll also have profiles on this blog.  As for the world, I’m going through the countries that I’ve already created and making sure they have appropriate names.  It’s important because I want them to have some reasons for their names, and not just some random fantasy-like name.  I’ll be working on the individual country maps, though only the physical maps for now.  I’ll make an entry for each future country, but only discuss the physical aspects of the country.

The newsletter should be set up later this month.  Haven’t gotten around to setting it up, though it is registered.  Look for that soon.

For daily discussions and updates, check out my official blog, I Read Encyclopedias for Fun.